Monday, October 24

Lookout by Andy Field

These illustrations were created as part of Andy Field's performance 'Lookout'. You can see more details on his website here:

Manchester (top) is the latest addition - we've been working on these throughout the year. Kids decided that a futuristic Manchester would be inside a large glass dome with controlled weather, towers for homeless people to live in, a large glass bridge covered in flowers for pedestrians to walk over, flying buses and taxis, free umbrellas to borrow... 

"Created in collaboration with local primary school children, Lookout is a one-to-one encounter between one adult audience member and one child performer taking place somewhere high up overlooking the city.

Together performed and audience member look out at the city and imagine its future. The conversation they share is a quiet journey through the past, present and future guided by the streets and landmarks laid out before them."

Manchester in 2036
Cambridge in 2036
Brighton in 2036

Bristol in 2036

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