Saturday, April 9

Effing Cool Illustrations

Last week I got a commission to do some illustrations for  Here they are! in context.

"Is controversy cool? Is shock value striking? Where do the boundaries lie?

Im So F*cking Cool is an online playground where readers can indulge in the most extravagant, shocking and conspicuous formations of fashion, art and culture. It unearths the most boundary-pushing work emerging from the creative industries and presents the subsequent issues that arise to the less-than-conformist readers. It allows the reader to form their own opinions, deciding whether the controversial topics are the work of genius, or just the work of a genius-wannabe. "

Follow soeffingcool on Twitter by clicking here.  Or like them on Facebook by clicking here.

Seeing my work online is WELL exciting.  Also, earned enough pennies to get myself a haircut and drink a well-earned pint of cider in the sunshine.

Happy days.

1 comment:

  1. im impressed
    how much did they pay you? (if teh dont mind me arsking)


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