- Research and development brainstorms
- Create new bg's for Pipit book
- Get portfolio images ready to print
- Write cover letter for CV
- Order moo.com business cards
Wednesday (also know as TOMORROW)
- Print off cover letter, research and development pages for Pipit, self-portrait and Colour of the Earth.
- Scan in Cocoon illustration and print it A3 for portfolio
- Print portfolio images
- Go through blog print-out and reference all the video links (URGHHHH)
- Print Oxjam posters A3 for portfolio
- Scan in Pipit backgrounds and add them to InDesign book
- Print off Pipit book
- Bind Pipit book
Thursday morning *4 hours-ish* (my hand-in day)
- Add finishing touches to Pipit Builds a Nest
- Print off last pages of blog
- Put everything in a big pile and set fire to it
(nah, not really)
Friday, and beyond
- . ...design knitted characters for final show
- spend 234435234554136 hours knitting
- take photos of knitted characters on the bus, in the pub, having a picnic, etc.
- get photos printed
- set up final show
- get drunk
haha this made me giggle Katie :D